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A. G. S. - London , UK

After studying at the Conservatoire in Timisoara in Romania, I came to England, UK and met up with my best friend from the conservatoire in Romania. She told me that she was now studying with this marvellous singing teacher called A.P. The last time that I heard my friend singing was in Romania and I knew she had problems with the middle part of her voice and this obviously affected the rest of her voice.  She let me listen to a tape of her lesson with her new singing teacher. I was completely shocked - my friend’s middle was wonderful  and secure, as was the top and bottom of her voice. I decided that I had to go and see for myself.

I arranged to go with my friend and sit in on a lesson. I was expecting to see the ‘stereotype’ singing teacher; imposing themselves with their own ideas. I was really surprised to see a normal person with a beautiful heart, willing to listen to what you have to say as a person, to respect your opinion and not try to turn you into somebody else.  She was far more interested in listening and tuning in to my own individual sound and quality. She was the first person to say that we do not need to try and sound like each other. 

I asked Anthea whether my voice could be repaired? Anthea laughed and said that everything can be repaired and that in my case, none of the voice was lost, it was just misplaced because of the previous bad technique I had acquired. At first, her method of teaching was rather new and strange for me, as I was so used to manipulating my mouth, diaphragm, my breath and my sound.

Working with Anthea was as if I had regained my lost hope, she restored my confidence and showed me who I am and where I will be in the future. Through her teaching, I regained what nature had given to me -  she restored my natural voice without interfering with my own personality and respected who I am. Anthea showed me the art and meaning of phrasing, beauty and how to develop and secure my voice for the future.

N. L. C. Hemel Hempsted, UK

I am a soprano who graduated from the University of Music in Timisoara in Canto Classic, after which, I came to the UK to study at the Abbingdon Summer School. It was shortly after this experience that I was introduced to Anthea Parashchak in North London.

I did not used to have a problem with my voice until the last year of University, when I developed a hole in the middle of my voice and in the passaggio. Nobody there seemed to notice I had this problem as I was singing high coloratura pieces and I could disguise my problem by not singing sustained passages. My teacher was also impatient with me, which in turn made me nervous to open my voice, and this made the situation worse.

I must say that Anthea was extremely patient with me as I had a problem with my middle voice, which of course affected the rest of my voice too. I was extremely distrustful of any new teacher and the first few months of study with Anthea were very difficult for me. I was very depressed because of the state of my voice.

I believed that I wouldn't be able to sing and use my whole voice again. Anthea used her vocal skills and teaching to show me how to use the whole mechanism of singing, especially how to connect my voice on to my body which solved my problem with the passaggio. Anthea, with her knowledge of the voice and in particular, of repairing voices, advanced my progress so that I began to feel comfortable and relaxed during the lessons.

Today, I have no problem with my voice and it feels so good to be singing again. That is so amazing for me, remembering from where I started.

Thank you Anthea for that, and thank you for sharing your time and singing knowledge and experience with me.

With Love.

C.L.N. London, UK

I have known Anthea for many years and watched her develop as a fine singing teacher. Over the years she pulled me through many a scrape, vocally and personally. However, recently I was sent a much longed-for breakthrough in my career. Half of me welcomed it and the other recoiled in a prison of self-doubt and fear. I was at war with myself. Anthea's profound wisdom as a healer and empathy as a performer came to my rescue as she helped me discover the profound contradictions in my character that were preventing me from moving forward. The performance was a huge success and I have since overcome other challenges that, in the past, would have crippled me with fear. 
I look at the world through a different pair of eyes and I owe it all to her.

M. H. South East England

After losing my voice due to an extreme emotional event, and which subsequently cost me my career as an operatic tenor, I consulted a laryngologist and a speech therapist, both of whom could not find anything wrong with my voice. 

I eventually made some progress with the Spanish teacher Eduardo Asquez, but I never returned to working at an International Opera House.

I had already known Anthea, as we had shared the same teachers, but we had gone our separate ways and I didn't see her for quite a number of years. In meeting up again, I was very impressed by the results she was obtaining from her singers.

Anthea used EFT to get to the bottom of the event that triggered the loss of my voice all those years ago - the voice loss was triggered by a friend's betrayal. EFT released all those emotions which were very intense, and the voice suddenly took on its "ring" - something that I thought I had lost forever.

Anthea then worked technically on getting my voice, body and ear working together, and this gave me such confidence, that I applied to sing in a Masterclass held by Jose Cura. I sang Otello in the following concert given by all the participants. After I had sung, Jose said to me and the audience that I was an inspiration to everyone, including himself.

I'm truly grateful that I had been taught to allow myself another opportunity to sing at the level I'd always longed for, and never thought I could.

© 2020 by Anthea Parashchak

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